It consists of a hose connected from the tank to the distribution point which can be an injector, a pump or a carburettor all dependant on the model of your car.
The common issues with car fuel lines are either blockages or leaks. Cars with fuel injectors require high pressure, so in this instance, a high-pressure line with a leak will spray fuel leasing to a fuel odour in the vehicle. A blocked fuel line will not allow the car to run, and a standard leak will cause running issues.
Take heed that a ruptured fuel line must be replaced in full. A blocked one can be reused if the blockage is cleared, but you will need to find the source of the blockage which is usually found in the fuel tank to hose connector.
The most common symptoms of a leak are when the car either uses more fuel than expected, or there is a strong odor.
Now let’s take a look at how to diagnose a leaking fuel line.
Finding the leak
- Step 1: Secure the Vehicle You must first secure your vehicle on four jack holders, this is mandatory since the fuel line runs from the rear of your vehicle all the way up to the front. You will need good access and be able to work without worry.
- Step 2: Locate the Line Option1: Using light or flashlight, follow the fuel line to see if there are any damp areas along the way. This is evidence of a leak, and although the line is covered in dust and grime, do not wipe it until you have found the location of the faults. Option 2: If you have issues finding the fault, add a dye to your fuel, and make sure you have a black light. This method is actually the best one to use. Options 3: Buy or borrow a fuel detector. These devices are used to detect specific compounds in the fuel and will find the fault in the event that the two first options don’t work. If, after using all three options, you don’t find the fault, then it’s not in the fuel line.
- Step 3: Replacing the Line Remember, you cannot patch a fuel line, you need to replace the whole thing. Replacing a fuel line is straight forward, and here are the steps: (Note: If however, you are stuck in the middle of nowhere, your fuel line is spritzing liquid all over the place, and you don’t have jack’s, no dye and no detectors, its time to go MacGyver on your vehicle.)
Replacing the Fuel Line
Note: I do suggest that you do this work on an empty tank.
- Step 1: Safety precautions. Jack up your vehicle and place it on four jack poles. Wear goggles and gloves before you start this work, and I suggest work clothes too. Take a drip pan and place it under your work area, line it up to where you will open up the fuel line.
- Step 2: Release the Line Take a socket wrench or a screwdriver and release all the various the fuel line fittings that are located along the way from the rear to the front. From the rear, disconnect the fuel line from the tank and make sure you have enough drip pan to collect all the fuel that is about to be released.
- Step 3: Disassemble the Line. Now remove the other side of the line and take off all the fittings. Remember, you are replacing all the line, you do not want to do any patchwork on a fuel line, it’s not worth the bother. What you do want to do is examine the fittings to make sure they are clean and in good condition. If you find one that is not in good condition, replace it.
- Step 4: Assemble the new Line. Measure out exactly the length you need to attach the new line. Cut it carefully and install the fittings onto the line. Make sure your fittings are secured properly.
- Step 5: Install the new Line. Now attach the new line to the engine end and then attach it to the rear. Make sure you secure the line along the way and that there are no loose areas.
- Step 6: Clean up and Rev up. Now clean up the area, remove the jacks and turn on the ignition and nothing happens. You worked on an empty tank, so fill the tank with some fuel, give it time to trickle down into the fuel line towards the engine block, and now turn on the ignition.
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